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Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm back!

I have ended my self-imposed blogging exile which began in late July shortly after my move to central Florida when I abruptly stopped blogging while I was in a training class for new members at Wycliffe Bible Translators. I'll have to say eventually about that, but I decided to resume blogging on a more light-hearted note prompted by an experience today which made me recall an incident which coincidentally occurred almost three years ago (to the day!)

Those of you who were part of the Indy Christian Geeks group which I organized might recall my excitement when I shared news at one of our monthly lunches about the imminent deployment of AT&T U-verse in my old neighborhood Crooked Creek Villages back in Indianapolis. By the way, I STILL have a house for sale back there!

Here in central Florida, I noticed an AT&T technician working in the yard next to my house in a new neighborhood where houses are STILL being built. Because U-verse has not yet been deployed in my neighborhood, I have been a Bright House subscriber since we moved in and I haven't been "wowed" by Bright House's DVR which has only two tuners although I have been generally satisfied by their broadband Internet service and VoIP phone service. It hasn't been much of a hardship to no longer have AT&T WiFi service since McDonald's, Starbucks, and many others now offer free WiFi on their premises. Nevertheless, I'd like the option of switching to U-verse so I asked the tech if he was doing anything that meant U-verse was coming to my neighborhood. Imagine my surprise when he told me the older neighborhoods around me would have it before me because the fiber-optic telecommunications infrastructure of our new neighborhood was actually an impediment to the deployment of U-verse! I guess that U-verse is currently engineered for a copper local cable plant so they can't deploy U-verse in our neighborhood without some significant engineering! On the other hand, I guess that also means that whenever AT&T decides to deploy a more advanced service similar to Verizon's FiOS that we'd be one of the first neighborhoods to get it! I hope that doesn't take too long...anybody heard anything about AT&T's successor to copper-based U-verse?