Challenged by Chris Brogan to blog about the importance of story in my life, I will share part of a story which I have been keeping to myself. For some time, I have felt a calling to devote myself to helping Christian ministries to harness social media to fulfill the Great Commission. Accordingly, I have been applying to mission agencies to join as an “Internet strategist” missionary so I have had to share my salvation testimony as part of the application process. Needless to say to anyone who has done so, sharing one’s testimony is “telling the story of one’s life” in a way that demonstrates how Jesus has impacted it. Also, for anyone who has shared his testimony in evangelization, it becomes very clear that the testimony is likely to be the most compelling if it is genuine because it cannot be refuted although the person being evangelized hasn’t YET been moved by the Holy Spirit!
While I’m talking about story-telling, I’d also like to say that I have been inspired by the stories of missionaries who have been serving and the impact of their work on the lives of those who they have been sharing, but that will be the subject of another blog post.